Tag Archives: Barack Obama

Barack and Michael


Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg, former mayor of South Bend, Indiana could not fix the potholes in his city. Yet Biden thought he is qualified to be the U.S. Secretary of Transportation, and leader of our infrastructure building America better plan (Biden’s plan). Buttigieg is not a popular figure in South Bend. His answer to the transportation problems we face, ‘slow the speed limit down, and issue more speeding tickets’.

On another note: This Biden Administration and the Left ………they are into depopulation; yet allow hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into our country and they distribute them throughout the nation during night fall so you can’t see it or stop it. Biden learned this lawless act from his boss, Barack Obama. Remember the cargo plane(s) filled with palettes of cash delivered to Iran in the pitch darkness of the night? Your tax dollars! Biden and Obama both are treasonous POS. I haven’t even mentioned Biden’s crime cartel, with Hunter as his bag man. Impeachment? That isn’t enough………..public lynching is much more appropriate.

joe and kamala like abbott & costello, just not funny

Joe Biden news & latest pictures from Newsweek.com

I am going to apologize to those of you who may be offended by offensive language. The thing is sometimes the strongest language is the most accurate, and gets the point across. Anything else can fall short. Especially describing the MORON(S) in the White House. There is one reason and one that stands out more than any other as to why Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the so called President and Vice President of the U.S.; because they are total FUCK-UPS! They were the Democratic Socialist Party’s perfect INSSURECTION! Both would do anything asked of them, anything ordered of them for the promised offices. As long as they are in position to look like they are in charge they’d be happy. Just give the command and Joe will abide. You want One World Order, depopulation (aided by the vaccination program), NO BORDERS with unvaccinated illegals, carrying a rash of disease; all to make America look like any other 3rd world country, JOE AND KAMALA ARE THE ONES FOR THE JOB! Even Barack Obama once said to paraphrase: ‘If you want something fucked up JOE is your man!’

It took the most massive corrupt election in world history to get them in office; but a corrupt Deep State, Cabal……….whatever you want to call them, did just that! The Left’s standard statement “There was no election fraud!”, is for idiots to believe. Continuing to believe corrupt, cheating, lying politicians is worse than foolish. They cheated, of course they will lie about cheating. THEY ARE LIARS! Biden even said to paraphrase: “We put together the most fraudulent election organization in history!”

Back to Biden and Kamala! Being in office was by design, not their design but by those who pull and drag them around; all those people behind the scenes. Joe doesn’t know where he is half the time. He reads (poorly) everything that comes from his mouth is written by his handlers. Susan Rice is always quiet………….. I guarantee you she is the ultimate, master puppeteer. NO BORDERS, allowing illegals from approximately 163 countries coming in to the U.S. daily. Where are they going? If not already, soon to your town and neighborhood. Your taxes will provide for them. They’ll benefit more from our tax dollars than we do. We soon will look like every other 3rd world country. Crime, all crime, is skyrocketing. This happens when you release violent criminals back on the street. Hundreds of thousands of inmates have been released across America. Most have nowhere to go, just like the illegals crossing, rapists among them. They’ll be spreading out far and wide, soon to a town near you, or your neighborhood. They act like we owe them, that they are entitled to everything YOU worked for. DEFUND THE POLICE, make the chaos in the streets easier………so Kamala doesn’t have to bail anyone else out! Kamala was put in charge of the border……….. She is handling it, exactly the way they want, by leaving it be, let it happen! This is not an accident, or by just plain stupidity! This is all intentional, as Kamala has said “To transform America once and for all!”.

Joe and Kamala were the perfect match-up for the Democratic Socialist Party, this Marxist regime. When confronted they would handle it best, Joe in his angry one liners and simple walk away and Kamala with her endless laughter, cackle and avoidance. No explanations would ever be necessary. Never mind the embarrassing situations we are in, the rest of the world can enjoy the comedy and take advantage of the stupidity; as they have been. The only question left for now is, we have taken the bait, when do they make the switch?

joe biden has a party of accomplices…….joe stay in your basement

Joe Biden is corrupt as hell. Everyday Barack Obama goes out and speaks on Biden’s behalf………he settles in deeper in this Deep State/Swamp. He is an accomplice to the crimes of the Biden family. The Chinese did not give the Biden’s billions for nothing. What Joe Biden sold to the China Communist Party was America. He sold us (U.S.) out!

Joe Biden may be the most treasonous politician POS in the history of our nation. He has plenty of those aiding and abetting him: MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, Adam (POS) Schiff, Twitter, Facebook, Barack H. Obama, Nancy Pelosi, the FBI Director Wray………just to name a few! I could have said with these words “The Swamp”.


michelle o. hasn’t always been proud of her country……..remember?

This just a reminder, Michelle hasn’t always been proud of America. Last night on her televised DNC taped speech she said she was “……..very proud of her country.” She only became proud to be an American when she and Barack resided in the White House. She was proud that Americans elected Barack as president. THAT IS WHAT MICHELLE OBAMA IS PROUD OF. Also, her speech was full of distortions. Remember when Barack said: “Those jobs ain’t never coming back……..does Trump think he has a magic wand (to paraphrase)?” Michelle said Barack and Joe’s administration created a record number of jobs. She didn’t mention those LOST.

I noticed she did not mention the rioting and looting (Portland, Chicago, Seattle and elsewhere)………LED BY THE LEFT. Not to worry Michelle neither are the rest of your Democratic swarm of bees. They want the violence to continue up until election day………hoping it helps them.

From Majestic to Racist: What a Difference an Election Makes — Common Man. Common Sense.

The “fundamental transformation of the United States of America” that Barack Obama promised in 2008 is now going at warp speed, all at the hands of panicked leftists, socialists, Marxists, the Democrats and their complicit, propaganda arm we all know as the media, the Fourth Estate. They must make as many changes to our country […]

From Majestic to Racist: What a Difference an Election Makes — Common Man. Common Sense.

COMPLICIT: Unsealed Docs Show Obama Had Direct Knowledge of Deep State Scheme to Railroad General Flynn — What Did You Say?

Reported by Shane Trejo | Published May 8, 2020 URL of the Originating web site: https://bigleaguepolitics.com/complicit-unsealed-docs-show-obama-had-direct-knowledge-of-deep-state-scheme-to-railroad-general-flynn/ New court papers that have been released to the public show that former President Barack Obama had direct knowledge of the deep state scheme to railroad General Michael Flynn. The documents pertain to former Justice Department official Sally Yates, who […]

COMPLICIT: Unsealed Docs Show Obama Had Direct Knowledge of Deep State Scheme to Railroad General Flynn — What Did You Say?

Joe biden’s first choice for vp?

Biden’s choice? Our Democratic Party’s choice? They know Creepy, Sleepy Joe isn’t right……mentally. They know it! They need someone to closely watch over him. Michelle Obama, would not be the person watching over Joe. A committee of chosen (shadowy types) others will watch over him. Joe could be making a quick exit from the White House (If, and this is a big it, he would ever be elected). Michelle Obama would be in the waiting. Kind of like sitting in the waiting room of the doctor’s office waiting to here your name called.

Yeah, lots of diplomatic, domestic and foreign experience here, but Barack is just steps away. Isn’t he?!

michelle spending 1