Category Archives: Jesus


A beautiful day here in Missouri. Hope you enjoy yours!


Mountain Lion/Cougar

Yesterday morning around 7:10AM, I was driving along 364 in St. Charles county (about 8-10 miles from my home; headed west. I was on my way to a golf course in Troy, MO. I looked to the left near a wooded tree line, with a farm field between, when I noticed an animal prowling along the edge of the tree line. At first glance I just assumed it was a deer. I took a 2nd glance as it was not moving like a deer and stared it down. It was moving like a big cat, which it was……..a Mountain Lion. He was tan/slightly orangish in color. It was not a domestic cat, it was not a coyote or bobcat, he was much bigger than any of those. It was huge, I believe it to have been a male. He was moving towards the west. As I drove on, about 300 yards towards the west, there were 2 deer also along the same tree line. The Mountain Lion was headed in their direction, though when I spotted him, I don’t believe he had yet spotted the deer. I have never seen a Mountain Lion roaming the land here, outside of the Zoo. It was a beautiful sight, though it was pretty close to some homes in the area (about 1/8-1/4 of a mile). I have a feeling this predator found himself a meal along those woods. Oh, I did report it to the Missouri Conservation Dept.