They think by doing this it releases them from any guilt. Of course you have to have a conscience to have any guilt, but I guess they think they do. It takes away credibility, they don’t have to play by any rules of order. Though they suggest they do. Which means lying is acceptable. We’ve seen that from Adam Schiff and Nadler both. (by Arlin Report/Arlin Luttrell) May Gob Bless America and guide us through a new year!

Who is Nadler without the vote of the people to make this decision? Does he think he is God? Who does he think he is – he has no authority to make this move. No more God in the People’s House. Democrats have removed it from”swearing in” – in front of the House Democrats/Republicans. The […]


OP-ED: Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi join effort to take President Trump down in 2020 — WEATHER INTERNAL

One who thinks he is still relevant and all powerful, and the other, she thinks she is America’s supreme leader. Both delusional! What planet do they live on? Democrats can’t deliver, yet we’d be better off with them in TOTAL CONTROL? LOL! (by Arlin Report)

DML News: News you can trust. The post OP-ED: Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi join effort to take President Trump down in 2020 appeared first on DML News.

OP-ED: Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi join effort to take President Trump down in 2020 — WEATHER INTERNAL

remind you of anything or anyone today. see proverbs 18:13……… wow, wisdom from the bible

Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something. Plato

Proverbs 18:2-3 Fools have no interest in understanding; they only want to air their own opinions. Doing wrong leads to disgrace, and scandalous behavior brings contempt.

Proverbs 18:13 Spouting off before listening to the facts is both shameful and foolish.

Proverbs 18:6-7 Fools’ words get them into constant quarrels; they are asking for a beating. The mouths of fools are their ruin; they trap themselves with their lips.

They continue in their foolishness.

Proverbs 26:11 As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness.

Proverbs 29:8-9 Mockers can get a whole town agitated, but the wise will calm anger. If a wise person takes a fool to court, there will be ranting and ridicule but no satisfaction.

Happy New Year! 🙂

VIDEO: Biden slams coal miners: ‘Learn to program’ in order to find jobs — WEATHER INTERNAL

Thank God, the fate of so many WILL NOT depend on this jerk. I would say “Joe learn a new craft of your own, you’re out of business”; but we know having been in government most of his life, he has built a nice egg nest for himself. Accepting bribes and allegedly laundering money from abroad, has made Joe Biden quite “the foreign asset”. All Biden has ever really accomplished has been for self. He was an expensive errand boy, always for someone else barking out orders (most recently Prez Obama). Joe was always someone else’s mouth piece, basically a messenger, not sharp enough to think for himself.

As a former coal miner, here is a message from me: ‘Forget Joe Biden, pay no attention to the noise behind his expensive suit. He is following the likes of an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the real leader of the Democratic Socialist Party. He won’t be their choice. He has no plan he can carry through. A lost soul.’ (Arlin Report)

DML News: News you can trust. The post VIDEO: Biden slams coal miners: ‘Learn to program’ in order to find jobs appeared first on DML News.

VIDEO: Biden slams coal miners: ‘Learn to program’ in order to find jobs — WEATHER INTERNAL

arlin report thought(s) of the day: dumbing-down vs. wearing-down

Since I am a follower of politics and civics and often write my opinion on the subjects, particularly current events, I woke this morning not really wanting to write or speak on anything political. Why do I feel that way I asked myself. So why? Other than sometimes you just need a break from your daily routine, what other reason could there be? I don’t think in my case it is due to dumbing-down. I believe I am beyond that.

I grew up in a time we were taught civics, current events and studied the U.S. and state constitutions (Missouri) in high school. You had to pass both tests to move on. In college, as a Political Science major, we did have a lot of book learning but got mostly lectured on what the professors wanted us to know, which was their interpretation of nearly everything. Interestingly, my grade point average in my major was lower than the other subjects I studied (C average). Psychology subjects (B+). Yep, I may have missed my calling. Except, I may be interrelating the two. Their is definitely psychology to politics, I see little politics in psychology.

So, is my lack of interest today due to being worn down? I believe today’s government/elected officials on the national level in particular may have a wearing-down process. The current impeachment inquiry hearings is a perfect example. Everything we hear, is repeated and repeated like a broken record. It just keeps spinning as it is never turned off (spinning, two versions of spinning here applies). The American public does get tired of it. Too, if you hear something over and over, you (may) tend to believe it. That’s one aspect of psychology in/of politics………get in your head by wearing you down. It is different than the dumbing-down process, keeping knowledge away/keeping us ignorant.

Just look at many of the young protesters today. They know not what they protest. They have little to no knowledge. Its just what they’ve been led to believe; not an idea, just a person. Hate Trump! Why? They can’t tell you why, except he talks mean. Not bad, just mean, listen to their own language. Where’d they learn it? As my father would say…… “take your bar talk somewhere else!”. Oh yeah, he told me that once……..or twice.

So, lets be blunt, dumbing-down (and it is a designed process, this ain’t no accident) is to keep us ignorant. Now I know many will be “offended” by that word, but it is a meaningful term.

definition of Ignorant


lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man, lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics. uninformed; unaware, due to or showing lack of knowledge or training: an ignorant statement.

So, it isn’t all your fault. No I am not calling you, the reader of this post ignorant. If your reading my blog you aren’t. Most any way, but they have been dumbing-down our children for decades now. They don’t teach what we from my generation were taught. They only teach what they want us to know now. Its been that way for a long time.

Let us not get wore down. They’ll slip whatever they want past us if we do. To be honest, we’re smarter than they are. Who is they? You know who I am talking about. I said we’re smarter than they are. We now have those dumbed-down in the ruling positions. I avoided saying ruling class.

Take a break when needed. Then return aware. Use your voice………speak up, write-up, keep them in their place, remove them with our votes. We have much work to do. Not all are bad……..but it is overwhelming how much ignorance shows. The scary part, much is by design and some know exactly what they are doing. The Deep State is real.

They’ll never wear me down.

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