Tag Archives: Chris Wray

joe biden has a party of accomplices…….joe stay in your basement

Joe Biden is corrupt as hell. Everyday Barack Obama goes out and speaks on Biden’s behalf………he settles in deeper in this Deep State/Swamp. He is an accomplice to the crimes of the Biden family. The Chinese did not give the Biden’s billions for nothing. What Joe Biden sold to the China Communist Party was America. He sold us (U.S.) out!

Joe Biden may be the most treasonous politician POS in the history of our nation. He has plenty of those aiding and abetting him: MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, Adam (POS) Schiff, Twitter, Facebook, Barack H. Obama, Nancy Pelosi, the FBI Director Wray………just to name a few! I could have said with these words “The Swamp”.


Walls Closing In Around FBI Director Chris Wray as Documents Show His Enabling of Corrupt FBI Objectives…. — The Last Refuge

An interesting article from Fox News asks the question of whether Mueller’s special counsel attorney Brandon Van Grack misled Judge Sullivan in the Flynn case by not being forthcoming about the background documents under the DOJ Brady obligation. Additionally, as a consequence of the Flynn evidence discoveries people are now asking why the FBI and […]

Walls Closing In Around FBI Director Chris Wray as Documents Show His Enabling of Corrupt FBI Objectives…. — The Last Refuge