Tag Archives: NFL


So, why did the NFL have the say on who advertises and who does not?   Why wasn’t it the Network?  The Network pays the NFL…….

NFL rejects veterans group’s ‘Please Stand’ ad for Super Bowl — myfox8.com NFL HYPOCRITES

The NFL rejected an ad from a veterans group that wanted to publish in its Super Bowl program. The full-page ad from AMVETS would have featured a military honor guard holding an American flag and the text #PleaseStand at the top of the page. After many NFL players chose to kneel in protest during the singing of…

via NFL rejects veterans group’s ‘Please Stand’ ad for Super Bowl — myfox8.com

AMVETS rejected by NFL because they would be making a political statement…….says the NFL.   Which is exactly what the players have been doing.    At least the AMVETS would have been paying for it.   The players get paid despite making their political statement.

The NFL is a pathetic joke!

Report: Marshall Faulk accused of sexual harassment at NFL Network — kplr11.com

ST. LOUIS – Former Rams running back and NFL Hall of Famer Marshall Faulk has been suspended from the NFL Network amid allegations of sexual harassment by a coworker. According to a report in Bloomberg Business, Faulk is one of several retired players and studio analysts to be suspended. The allegations, made by a wardrobe…

via Report: Marshall Faulk accused of sexual harassment at NFL Network — kplr11.com


THE NFL ……….pick em or forget them, it’s a choice

Image result for photos of an empty NFL game

I have for the most part forgotten about the NFL in 2017.   I don’t care for the spoiled arrogance of these millionaire social misfits.   It probably actually started back during the Ferguson protests and riots, when several of the then St. Louis Rams pranced on the field with their hands up mocking the false “hands up don’t shoot” claim.   Which we know now was a complete lie.   I was at the time a season ticket holder of the Rams.   BTW, I don’t miss them, not one freaking bit.   They belong in LA, where everything is an ugly fantasy.

I will not mention players by name, or give them as a collective group much attention here.  It is attention they seek; and they care not how they get it.  End Zone stage like performances have nothing to do with football, it is attention, look at me crap.   Real football players score and hand the ball to the ref.   If I want to see an act, I’d go watch a play.   The old saying “act like you’ve done it before.   I also got sick of watching players make a routine tackle (often after a significant gain with their team trailing) only to celebrate like they just won the lottery.   Pathetic!

I have not watched so much as a full quarter of football this season.   I have gotten glimpses as a reminder why I quit watching when I meet friends for lunch on a Sunday at a sports bar.   I have no control over what is on the TV, and when there are sets in every corner, the screens are right in front of you.  Only a blind man would miss them.   However, I pay little attention, spend my time in conversation or play a little Golden Tee.  I have not missed watching a favorite team.  I can’t say I have one.   Kansas City Chief’s from my home state would be the closest to a home team; but even they I found disgusting.

I have survived without the NFL, and its saved my money.  A great investment, invest in your self!

I find watching college football to be more entertaining.  When their players act in a selfish, unacceptable manner there is a greater chance they serve some kind of punishment or discipline.   You make an obscene jester to the crowd, your probably sitting next week and not for the anthem.

I have found the best answer to kneelers…………….do not watch.


Michael Bennett of the Seattle Seahawks uses a protest oppression to exhibit his own racial attitude.   If he was serious about improving racial relations, expressing power over another certainly isn’t the way to do it.  It only makes matter worse.   Lack of intelligence is great detour.   NFL ratings and attendance will continue to drop.   Soon salaries will need to drop in order to sustain a league of these highly oppressed spoiled phonies.  Blacks make up 70% of the NFL player base and 83% of the fan base are white.   Do the math, the fan base, not necessarily the % but the total number is rapidly dropping.   Follow the money, 83% white………. They do not understand where their bread is buttered.   They are creating greater divide.   It would seem they are pushing for segregation.


Originally posted on PA Pundits – International: By Jay Maxson ~ Before the disrespectful kneeling, before the black power salutes, the NFL and its players’ union were actively attacking America and your values. Above the surface and plain for all to see, players are disrespecting the flag and our veterans. Below the surface are the…

via Support For NFL In Freefall, League And Players’ Union Forge On In Radical Activism — Brittius