Tag Archives: Westerners


Convert to Islam they say.   Learn to kill for Islam!   ISIS will recruit anyone they can manipulate to kill on their behalf, anyone, anywhere.  Come join us!   Help us eliminate the West!

They recruit plenty of non-Islamics who say they will convert……and use them.    There are enough wackos out there that are easy prey.   Recruits are too easy to find for ISIS.   Then they will use them just like the children.   The women they recruit, they will self destruct after they’ve been raped numerous time.   Islamic children will stay in the brotherhood, grow up with it, it’s their way of life.   ISIS’ are heroes to many.   But oh what to do with the Europeans, and Westerners.     They are not one of them!   But they are a weapon, until they are of no use……….then off with their heads as well.  They want to kill us all.    Why can’t these wackos see that?    I guess because they are wackos.