Latest State Dept. release to include ‘150 Clinton emails with classified information’

“Just keeps getting worse.”

Source: Latest State Dept. release to include ‘150 Clinton emails with classified information’

6 thoughts on “Latest State Dept. release to include ‘150 Clinton emails with classified information’”

  1. Oh come on now! There were ONLY 150 classifed emails! And Hillary SAYS that none of them were marked classfied when she saw them! C’mon…do you think she’d…er….lie…er…..uh….never mind.


  2. I hear you buddy, We are so screwed in the leadership department. Huma Abedin probably has a crap load of classified intel which I would bet her Weanie-wagging husband has snuck a peek at. Seriously who ever thought Hillary could be trusted? Oh yeah I forgot it was the oh so wise Obama…


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